The Benefits of Overnight Summer Camp
The Benefits of Overnight Summer Camp
Parents want their kids to become self-confident, independent, resilient individuals prepared to meet the challenges of today’s world. Summer Camp offers a unique environment.
Living away from home provides campers with a community living experience without parental or teacher influence and led by well-trained camp staff, whom are viewed as peers and friends. Living together with their peers, summer campers develop important social skills. Getting along, developing tolerance for others, and learning to resolve differences so that everyone feels good about themselves are fostered and encouraged. Compromise is one of the greatest characteristics taught at summer camp.
A healthy self-esteem builds confidence and independence. It encourages the willingness to try new things! Positive nurturing techniques used by Camp staff foster a sense of accomplishment, an important step toward developing a resilient self-esteem.
At Camp Can-Aqua we have fun. We know that when kids are playing and having fun, learning and and developing leadership skills, amazing things happen. There are friendships to be cultivated, decisions to be made, and successes to be experienced, all in the name of fun!
Ontario summer camps are unique and internationally respected. This camp experience is one, which allows your kids to experience a global perspective among peers. Can-Aqua’s traditional camp setting is an ideal platform for positive growth and development.
Come join us and EXPERIENCE CAN-AQUA!