Outdoor Centre

A Real
Team Effort
The Camp Can-Aqua Outdoor Leadership Centre fosters an inclusive environment that supports students while challenging them to make risks and try new things. In the files below we have outlined important information, such as our location and directions from Toronto and Ottawa, activity descriptions, safety protocols, an overview of our site, the various accommodations, and the registration forms that you are required to complete before your arrival.
If you are thinking about booking a retreat with us, please reach out. While information and websites are great, nothing beats an actual discussion! You can reach us by phone at 613 630-2969 or by email at info@canaqua.ca.
We look forward to having you at the Camp Can-Aqua Outdoor Leadership Centre this Spring or Fall!
Rates in 2024 (pre tax/per student)
1 night 2 Days – $195.00
2 Night 3 Days – $245.00
3 Night 4 Days – $345.00

Program PDFs

Complete Centre Guide & Evaluation Form